
The Dareful Dunes


You decide to try to find the oasis, so you keep going into the dunes in hopes of getting a good direction. Since you're heading due south, you assume you'll run into it soon enough. While you wonder about your path, you suddenly run into a dragon-like creature. She is bright yellow with green markings and wings.

"Wander-or," she yelps.

"Hello," you reply, walking over to her. To your surprise, she repeates "Wander-or" over and over again. You ask her why she is repeating herself, but she does not say anything else. Finally, she stops.


"Sarin~Yei," she says as she puffs herself out. "Sarin~Yei."

Again she begins to repeat herself on end, but she stops when another voice begins. "Sarin~Yei, come here." The voice is female, no doubt, but also very commanding.

A tall elvish woman of about forty greets you with a warm smile. Sarin~Yei lands on her shoulder, chirping wildly about something or other. The woman bows to you.

"I am Epiphany," she introduces. "This is Sarin~Yei, as you may now know. She can not speak, for she is a Kinsarian flit..." She nods. "Don't be alarmed at her chattery ways. Flits are much like parrots, and that is why she could not reply."

Epiphany scratches Sarin~Yei's chin. The Flit chirps happily and flies off. "She is heading back with me, I see. But, I shall tell you this, wanderor, many birds in the area are less than happy with wanderors. Sarin here is very happy that you saw her." She bows. "Good luck."

Seek the Oasis
Go West, Towards the Oddly-Shaped Mountains

Wonderous Wood