
Embrod Village

The House of Fireseth and Verwas


You decide the house closest to the stables is your best bet, so you walk over there. As you approach, a small fluffy creature runs by you, nearly knocking you over. This is shortly followed by some yelling, and you stop to make sure you're not the one being yelled at.

"Fireseth! I told you! Watch where you're going!" A woman yells. You then see her, she is standing next to the house on its left.

She is a rather short elf, looking rather ruffled at her situation. She looks at you and smiles. "Sorry about that wanderor, Fireseth is rather playful and still hasn't learned how to behave with wanderors. I assure you, he is harmless."


The small creature approaches, and he does look rather cute. He has black fur, blue eyes, and two fluffy tails. Other than almost knocking you over, however, he looks rather harmless, as the elf says.

"I am Verwas," she says. "We used to live outside the Elven Fortress, but we could not stay. After a while, there was no need for my job, and staying in the fortress was too...boring. Nothing comes in, nothing goes out. It's about the most depressing thing possible for someone who likes to see animals, right Fireseth?"

She smiles. "If you want to visit there, I can tell you how. You'll have to go through the caves, and you can go to either the meadows, the orchard,the rainforest, or the plains. From there, you should be able to enter, or at least look at, the fort."

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