
Embrod Village

The Adian Stables

Green Mane, the Elder

You ask, "What other equine live here?"

For a second, it looks as if Green Mane is going to yell, but then she relaxes and smiles. "I forget, sometimes, that wanderors like yourself do not understand much about us." She nods. "Here, not just equine make their homes in these stables, but also other animals that find it safer in a stable."

"We are free to come and go as we please, as we are the only keepers here. Many leave and never come back, but that is fine because that is how things are." She nods. "If you'd like, you may visit the other homes...although I doubt many will be home at all."

You stop and ask, "How can I tell if they're home?"

She turns to you and says, "Simple, just look to see if the door is opened."

Check out the first opened door
Check out the second opened door
Back to the Stables
Return to the Entrance

Wonderous Wood